Social compliance consultancy services

Retailers and manufacturers are increasingly in the spotlight over the working conditions for people making their products world-wide. In the face of extensive campaigning, consumer boycotts and, in the US, litigation, big name brands have been forced onto the back foot and have been scrambling to show that conditions in their supply chains meet acceptable standards.


Meanwhile, confidence in corporations has been diminishing and the wider public are no longer prepared to accept a company’s own statements that maintain the absence of child or forced labour, or that ‘sweatshop’ conditions have been abolished. Many companies haverealised that they need to find independent proof that working conditions at their own or supplier production sites world-wide are satisfactory..

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Accurate Data

We build accurate data all of our bank reporting

Marketing Growth

Strategic Planning for growth marketing Human Resource
We feel that this specialist part of HR is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability and success of a business growth & marketing. We believe in success of our business in the world.